Monday, December 31, 2007

Kisah Anwar dengan Wolfowitz

Fakta Anwar bercanggah dgn perbuatannya :

i. Dia menafikan hubungan rapatnya dengan Wolfowitz, sedangkan Wolfowitz menyebut Anwar sebagai kawan baiknya seperti yang tersiar dalam satu klip video YouTube. Video tersebut dirakam semasa Anwar dan Wolfowitz berucap di Bank Dunia. Pertemuan Anwar dan Wolfowitz bukan pertama kali, malahan telah bermula sejak tahun 80an lagi. Mereka telah mengadakan lebih daripada lima pertemuan yang memakan masa di antara satu hingga empat jam.

Ketika Anwar dirawat di Munich, Jerman, Wolfowitz telah terbang ke Munich untuk menziarahnya. Perbincangan empat mata itu mengambil masa hampir satu jam. Ia disusuli dengan lawatan Anwar ke Pentagon untuk satu pertemuan dengan kawan rapatnya itu pada 28 Februari 2005. Ketika itu Wolfowitz memegang portfolio sebagai Timbalan Setiausaha Pertahanan Amerika Syarikat. Perbincangan di antara amereka memakan masa dua jam.

ii. Dia menafikan yang dia melantik Shah Riza dari Bank Dunia ke Foundation for The Future (FFF), sedangkan terdapat bukti surat yang ditulis oleh Anwar kepada Bank Dunia meminta Shah Riza dipindah ke FFF. Surat yang ditandatangani Anwar itu dijadikan bahan bukti dalam siasatan Jawatankuasa Disiplin kes penyelewengan Wolfowitz di Bank Dunia.

iii. Dia menafikan yang dia anti-Sadam Hussein
sedangkan dia pernah menulis surat kepada Wolfowitz ketika berada di penjara mengecam tindakan militan Muslim yang menyerang Pusat Perdagangan Dunia, WTC di New York pada 9 September 2001 dan seterusnya mengkritik Saddam Hussein sebagai Presiden Iraq yang diktator.

iii. Dia menafikan semasa pertemuan dengan Wolfowitz mereka tidak membincangkan agenda peribadi selain semata-mata mendesak Amerika supaya jangan menyerang Iraq sedangkan hasil pertemuan itu memberi imbuhan kepada Anwar seperti berikut:

  1. Anwar jadi pelobi Wolfowitz.

    Pada Mac 2005, Anwar berkempen di seluruh dunia menggesa Wolfowitz menjadi Presiden Bank Dunia. Dalam wawancara berita Bloomberg bertarikh Mac 24, 2005 Anwar Ibrahim yang disebut sebagai di antara satu-satunya kawan baik Wolfowitz telah melahirkan kepercayaan bahawa Wolfowitz amat komited dengan agenda kebebasan dan memahami sepenuhnya isu-isu kemiskinan, alam sekitar dan kesihatan. Agenda-agenda tersebut secara kebetulan juga adalah agenda Bank Dunia. Bank Dunia dikuasai penuh oleh Washington. Ia seringkali digunakan oleh sektor korporat Amerika sebagai alat untuk menjahanamkan sektor swasta dan ekonomi negara-negara dunia ketiga. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut ialah bagi membuka jalan untuk sektor korporat Amerika membeli saham kepunyaan syarikat-syarikat dunia ketiga selain memaksa syarikat yang tenat meminjam dari IMF dan Bank Dunia.

  2. Anwar dilantik fellow kehormat di Johns Hopkins University.

    Menurut penulis Michael Bilington, "pada 2004 semasa dibebaskan dari penjara, Anwar 'disambut' oleh dua sekutu rapatnya, iaitu Al Gore dan Paul Wolfowitz. Wolfowitz ketika itu terbabit dengan tindakan mendalangi pertukaran rejim di Iraq melalui kekuasaan tentera. Wolfowitz dikatakan mengatur supaya Anwar diberi perlantikan di School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), John Hopkins University, Washington.

  3. Anwar dilantik Perunding Bank Dunia (governance & accountability). Semasa Wolfowitz menjadi Presiden Bank Dunia, dia telah memberi kontrak bernilai AS$21,000 kepada Anwar bermula 25 Januari hingga 1 Mei 2006. Ketika itu Wolfowitz menjadi Presiden Bank Dunia.

  4. Anwar dilantik Chairman Foundation For The Future (FFF) pada 15 Julai 2006.

  5. Anwar dilantik sebagai Duta Amerika Syarikat ke negara-negara Islam utk berceramah topik Islam & demokrasi. Dia dilantik sebagai Diplomat Jemputan, Council of Foreign Relations, New York. Dia bekerja dibawah yang diketuai oleh Elizebeth Cheney. Jabatan itu juga menaja FFF. Perlantikan Anwar sebagai Duta AS ke negara-negara Islam berkuat kuasa sehingga sekarang. Itulah sebabnya Anwar bebas ke luar negara.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jangan cabar orang Umno!

SEPERTI yang dijangkakan, golongan ekstrimis kaum India akan tetap seperti anjing menyalak bukit selagi tuntutan mengarut dan gila mereka itu tidak dipenuhi. Selepas salakkan daripada pemimpin Hindraf yang rata-rata dari kalangan penyokong pembangkang dipertikaikan, kini sudah muncul pula golongan yang tidak tahu berterima kasih ini muncul di kalangan parti komponen Barisan Nasional pula.
Kata-kata mulut celupar dari Naib Ketua Pemuda Gerakan, S.Paranjothy sesungguhnya menyakitkan hati ramai orang UMNO. Atas kapasiti ahli komponen BN beliau berkata antara sebab kaum India mundur dan terpinggir adalah disebabkan parti UMNO. Kenyataan "berlapik" itu adalah luahan perasaan golongan akar umbi masyarakat India yang kononnya disampaikan kepada beliau.
Di sini pula saya ingin menyatakan pula luahan perasaan golongan akar umbi orang Melayu terutamanya ahli UMNO. "Jangan paksa kami untuk bersikap kurang ajar hasil daripada terlalu berkompromi dengan masyarakat India selama ini. Kami sudah muak dan meluat dengan perkembangan terbaru daripada masyarakat India. Jangan paksa kami hilang sabar."
Saya sifatkan golongan kaum India yang mempertikaikan UMNO adalah golongan paling pengecut dan hipokrit. Mereka sebenarnya takut untuk mengungkapkan "Orang Melayu punca orang India rosak". Lalu ditukarkan kepada ayat yang lebih berlapik(kononnya) dengan menjadi "UMNO punca orang India rosak".
Golongan seperti ini sebenarnya tidak tahu berterima kasih kepada UMNO yang banyak berkorban atas prinsip perkongsian kuasa, muafakat komponen BN, kontrak sosial dan toleransi untuk memastikan kaum India dapat hidup di negara bertuah ini.
Saya mengibaratkan golongan yang tidak berpuas hati ini seperti kacang lupakan kulit, beri betis hendak peha dan sudah mahu menidakkan keistimewaan dan hak orang Melayu di Malaysia. Inilah akibat apabila orang Melayu atau UMNO terlalu berlebih kurang dengan golongan India.
Rasionalnya memang ada dan betul sejak zaman sebelum merdeka lagi perlunya ada toleransi sesama kaum demi keharmonian dan kesejahteraan seluruh rakyat agar tidak berlaku perbalahan yang boleh menyemarakkan rusuhan kaum.
Namun setakat mana boleh di kawal api kebencian antara kaum Melayu dan India masa kini hasil daripada tindakan dan tuntutan melampau Hindraf? Orang Melayu kini melihat berkembangan terkini tuntutan mengarut dari kaum India dengan penuh khusyuk dan serius. Ini soal maruah dan martabat bangsa Melayu.
Meredakan sesuatu keadaan kritikal hubungan antara kaum beberapa minggu yang lalu sebenarnya diharapkan akan menamatkan adu domba antara orang Melayu dan India di negara ini. Namun sikap keperihatinan dan bertolak ansur oleh Perdana Menteri dan kerajaan rupa-rupanya masih tidak cukup lagi bagi golongan pelampau kaum India.
Malah mereka semakin berani melalui beberapa saluran politik dalam komponen BN sendiri untuk cuba memperlekeh dan memperbodohkan kepimpinan negara dan cuba bermain api dan mencabar parti UMNO.
Golongan ini sebenarnya cuba membawa diri mereka ke suatu permainan politik yang akan memakan dan memusnahkan seluruh kaum India sendiri. Cuba mereka bayangkan selepas pilihan raya umum yang akan datang tiada satu pun wakil kaum India sama ada dari pihak kerajaan mahupun pembangkang yang bergelar "YB" untuk menduduki kerusi di parlimen atau dewan undangan negeri?. Malah tiada lagi ahli majlis pihak berkuasa tempatan di lantik dari golongan kaum India. Golongan radikal India perlu ingat dalam politik tiada perkara yang mustahil dan juga tiada perkara yang dirancang boleh menjadi "perfect".
Para pemimpin kaum India harus mengakui hakikat bahawa mereka gagal mengawal kaum India kerana wujudnya lambakan kumpulan samseng gangster dan gejala sosial dari kalangan kaum India. Apakah mereka sudah putus usaha membendung masalah sosial, maka dipersalahkan UMNO?. Apakah dipersalahkan orang UMNO kononnya kaum mereka dipinggirkan. Yang nyata di kalangan akar umbi orang Melayu mereka memberikan persoalan berikut, "kaum mereka dipinggirkan atau mereka meminggirkan kaum mereka sendiri"?.
Golongan yang masih tidak puas hati di kalangan kaum India ini perlu di berikan input dan anjakan minda mereka agar mengakui hakikat sejarah yang tidak pernah menipu. Hanya mereka yang mengaburi dan mentafsirkan sendiri fakta sejarah mengikut hawa nafsu dan gelodak perkauman. Ini yang menimbulkan masalah yang mereka sendiri reka dan wujudkan permasalahan kaum mereka sendiri dan menuding jari ke kaum lain terutamanya orang Melayu yang menjadi penyebab mereka miskin, tercicir dalam pendidikan, tiada peluang kerja dan keruntuhan akhlak yang begitu parah.
Apakah masalah-masalah tersebut perlu UMNO masuk "ke rumah" orang India untuk memberikan ceramah, motivasi, qiamullail, ataupun "brain storming" kaum yang bukan kaum ibunda mereka?. Jika UMNO melakukannya juga, dimana pula peranan MIC, PPP, IPF, Gerakan, NGO kaum India dan lain-lain pertubuhan?
Jika Paranjothy cepat menuding jari menyalahkan UMNO lah yang menyebabkan kaumnya terpinggir, tersisir, runtuh akhlak, perlu pembelaan dan banyak masalah, ini pula jawapan golongan akar umbi orang Melayu. "Hanya orang India sahaja yang boleh selesaikan masalah orang India sendiri".
Orang Melayu khususnya UMNO banyak lagi kerja lain yang perlu dibuat. Mohon simpati dan publisiti murahan untuk mendapat perhatian dari kerajaan untuk menyelesaikan isu kaum mereka agar menjadi isu nasional telah menyebabkan orang Melayu mula muak dan loya.
Orang Melayu sudah lama mengkaji dan mengetahui sifat dan muslihat kaum India kerana orang Melayu memang gemar hiburan. Maka tidak hairan mereka menganggap fenomena masa kini hasil cetusan golongan pelampau India seperti tontonan mereka terhadap filem Tamil dan Hindustan boleh ditonton di tv saluran percuma ataupun berbayar.
Malah orang Melayu sendiri sudah mengetahui di awal "filem atau drama" tersebut apa kesudahan cerita yang mereka tonton itu. Malah mereka juga sudah mengetahui siapa di belakang tabir pembikinan "filem atau drama" tersebut walaupun rancangan "the making of....." belum disiarkan di tv sebagai promosi filem atau drama sebelum ditayang kepada umum.
Orang Melayu terutamanya UMNO sebenarnya sudah meluat dengan golongan seperti ini dan mereka cuma mengingatkan golongan pelampau kaum India ini agar jangan lupa bahawa orang Melayu masih hidup bernyawa dan wujud di bumi bertuah ini. Jangan lupa pula bahawa teraju utama dalam segala segi bidang baik ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik dan pentadbiran masih diterajui oleh orang Melayu.
Apakah golongan pelampau kaum India inginkan kaum mereka betul-betul dipinggirkan dan diabaikan? Jika mahu, mohonlah segera agar orang Melayu segera melaksanakannya.

Polis Johor tahan bekas peguam pecah amanah

Seorang bekas peguam ditahan Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (JSJK) Johor kerana dipercayai terlibat dalam tujuh kes pecah amanah berjumlah RM746,000 daripada 1999 sehingga 2001.

Ketua JSJK Johor Supt Nasbah Jusoh berkata bekas peguam berumur 41 tahun itu ditahan Ahad lepas di rumahnya di Parit Semerah, Pontian, setelah polis menjalankan siasatan membabitkan pinjaman perumahan pelanggan yang sepatutnya disalurkan kepada pemaju perumahan.

Menurut beliau, "bekas peguam itu menawarkan khidmat panel guaman kepada pemaju perumahan dan dia yang menerima wang daripada tujuh pembeli rumah telah menggelapkan wang tersebut."

Menurut Polis antara mereka yang menjadi mangsa penipuan peguam tersebut adalah kakitangan kerajaan, swasta, ahli perniagaan dan pesara polis. Bekas peguam itu kini direman dan boleh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 409 kerana pecah amanah.

Penduduk Kampung Peta rayu jambatan sementara dibina segera

Seramai 500 penduduk perkampungan Orang Asli di Kampung Peta di Taman Negara Endau-Rompin merayu pihak berwajib membina jambatan balak yang runtuh akibat arus deras pada 13 Disember lalu untuk memudahkan mereka mendapatkan bekalan makanan dari luar.

Penduduk kampung di Taman Negara Endau-Rompin sukar memindahkan bekalan makanan dengan menggunakan rakit usang untuk merentasi sungai berarus deras dan dalam.

Mereka berharap jambatan sementara sejauh 30 meter di Sungai Mas dibina oleh Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) kerana bekalan makanan mereka hanya mampu bertahan selama sebulan saja.

Azizul Rampuyam, 21, merayu jambatan sementara dibina sebelum sesi persekolahan awal Jaunari kerana rakit yang digunakan untuk mengangkut pelajar sekolah adalah berbahaya."Pihak berwajib tak datang menjenguk nasib kami, malah mereka tak berjanji pun bila jambatan ini boleh disiapkan," katanya.

Hamidun Bakar, 44, berkata pegawai daerah dan wakil rakyat di situ berjanji untuk membina jambatan tersebut pada tahun hadapan selepas mendapat peruntukan.

Othman Hussin, 25, berkata penduduk yang mempunyai gaji tetap tidak mempunyai masalah untuk membeli bekalan makanan yang dijual daripada peniaga di tebing sungai walaupun harganya meningkat dua kali ganda."Tapi bagaimana pula dengan kebanyakan penduduk kampung yang tidak bekerja, bekalan makanan mereka akan kehabisan kerana kebanyakan penduduk tidak dapat menoreh getah pada musim hujan," katanya.

Jalan melalui jambatan runtuh itu ke Kampung Peta merupakan satu-satunya jalan darat untuk ke Taman Negara Endau-Rompin. Ia boleh menjejaskan kehadiran pelancong jika jambatan tidak dibina segera.

Masyarakat India terima baik penjelasan MIC atas pelbagai isu

Masyarakat India menerima baik penjelasan barisan pemimpin Pemuda MIC berhubung pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan sebuah kumpulan haram menerusi jelajah yang dibuat pergerakan itu sejak 20 Dis lalu.

Ketuanya S. A. Vigneswaran berkata sehingga kini pergerakan itu telah mengadakan jelajah ke lima negeri dan memberi penjelasan terhadap pelbagai dakwaan yang dibangkitkan kumpulan haram tersebut sebelum ini.

Katanya, "mereka menerima baik kedatangan kami dan mendengar penjelasan kami dan faham apa yang didakwa oleh kumpulan haram itu hanyalah dakyah politik untuk pancing undi."

Vigneswaran yang juga Setiausaha Parlimen Kementerian Belia dan Sukan berkata sehingga kini penjelasan menerusi jelajah itu telah diadakan di Selangor, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Kempen itu katanya akan diadakan di tiga negeri lagi iaitu Negeri Sembilan, Melaka dan Johor.

Beliau berkata semasa kempen itu pergerakan tersebut turut mengumpul maklumat daripada akar umbi bagi memudahkan MIC menyusun strategi bagi menghulurkan bantuan dan menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi kaum India dengan lebih efektif.

Friday, December 14, 2007

ISA ke atas pemimpin HINDRAF

Lima pemimpin Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) diberkas dan ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

Mereka ialah P. Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan, R. Kenghadharan, V. Ganabatirau dan T. Vasanthakumar.

Tindakan yang disokong sebahagian besar rakyat Malaysia ini dianggap bertepatan sekali walaupun dikira agak lewat setelah tercetus beberapa insiden pada minggu-minggu sebelumnya.

Seperti telah diagak, penggunaan ISA ke atas kumpulan lima orang pemimpin HINDRAF ini dengan secepat kilat dipergunakan sepenuhnya oleh pihak pembangkang termasuk penyokong-penyokong mereka yang bertopengkan aktivisme hak asasi manusia dalam pelbagai jelmaan.

Dengan menyorot penahanan di bawah ISA sebagai sesuatu yang sentiasa mencengkam kebebasan rakyat, pembangkang meriah menggunakan tindakan tersebut sebagai peluru baru dalam serangan terhadap negara.

Tidak kira sama ada terdapat undang-undang yang lebih serius menidakkan hak asasi manusia seperti Patriot Act di Amerika Syarikat dan beberapa undang-undang lain termasuk yang masih berkuat kuasa di Britain, pihak pembangkang tidak akan mempertikaikannya. Pada mereka yang sentiasa dilihat sebagai pincang, tidak adil dan keterlaluan ialah apa saja tindakan yang digunakan oleh kerajaan bagi menjamin keselamatan di Malaysia.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Anwar detained at KLIA not true!


I have just been informed by some reliable sources that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was never detained at the KLIA Immigration checkpoint. His disappearance from the area was actually because he went to the washroom for about an hour!

Oh boy, Nik Nadzmi must have been highly-strung to spin such a story for his master.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Renung Sejarah Sebelum Bersuara

KEDANGKALAN memahami sejarah negara menjadi antara sebab segelintir rakyat negara ini sanggup melakukan tindakan membabi buta di luar lunas budaya Malaysia tanpa sedikit pun memikirkan sensitiviti kaum lain yang bukan saja telah berkorban malah bersedia menyerahkan sebahagian hak mereka demi memastikan perpaduan kaum terus utuh dan semua kaum dapat menikmati kehidupan dalam suasana damai.

Demonstrasi jalanan anjuran segelintir kaum India yang kononnya berasakan kaum mereka ditindas dan seterusnya meminta gantirugi daripada Kerajaan British yang membawa mereka ke sini, tidak lebih daripada wayang kulit yang didalangi sekumpulan ahli politik muflis.

Berbanding dengan rakan mereka di Fiji, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, kaum India di negara ini seharusnya bersyukur kerana berada di sebuah negara yang kaum pribuminya begitu pemurah dan paling bertolak-ansur. Mereka bukan saja diberikan pelbagai keistimewaan dari segi peluang pekerjaan, malah di bidang pendidikan dan ekonomi ada kalanya mereka lebih terkehadapan berbanding orang Melayu.

Seawal tahun 1816, kaum India berpeluang memasuki sekolah yang mana Penang Free School dibuka dan kelas Tamil ditumpangkan di situ. Dengan wujudnya Malacca Free School, VI, King Edward antara 1826 dan 1906, kelas Tamil juga diwujudkan. Pada 1850, Anglo Tamil School diwujudkan di Melaka. Malah hampir di setiap estet, sekolah Venekular Tamil diwujudkan bagi menampung kaum India yang tinggal di sekitar ladang.

Malangnya bagi kaum peribumi, hanya pada tahun 1856, iaitu selepas 40 tahun kaum lain menikmati kemudahan, barulah dua sekolah Melayu diwujudkan dengan serba kekurangan sekadar membasmi buta huruf. Kaum India boleh meneruskan pendidikan hingga ke peringkat Overseas School Certificate yang kemudian boleh menyambung pelajaran ke King Edward Medical College ataupun ke Raffles College malah boleh meneruskan pendidikan ke Britian atau ke Australia, sedangkan pelajar Melayu hanya ke peringkat darjah empat.

Terkecuali Malay College yang ditubuhkan pada 1905, peluang pelajar Melayu hanya terbuka pada 1930 apabila dasar British membenarkan pelajar Melayu ke sekolah Inggeris. Itu pun terhad kepada segelintir pelajar di bandar dan daripada keluarga elit. Tidak hairanlah, antara 1919 hingga 1937 hanya 15 peratus pelajar Melayu di sekolah Inggeris berbanding 35 peratus India dan 50 peratus Cina. Fakta begini seharusnya difahami sebelum melakukan tindakan melulu dan membabi buta.

Penjajah British mengenakan pelbagai jenis peperiksaan bertujuan menyekat pelajar Melayu ke peringkat lebih tinggi seperti Peperiksaan Memasuki Sekolah Menengah, Junior Middle Certificate, Overseas School Certificate dan Queen School Certificate yang hanya mampu dicapai oleh pelajar di bandar besar yang majoritinya Cina dan India. Rata-rata keluarga mereka bertugas dengan pentadbir British atau pun menjadi peniaga.

Bagi pelajar luar bandar terutama dari negeri Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu, Kelantan serta Johor, peluang yang ada hanya di madrasah yang banyak ditubuhkan selepas 1906 oleh golongan muda seperti Syed Syeikh Al-Hadi dan Syeikh Tahir Jalaluddin yang peluang kerjanya begitu terhad. Akibatnya jurang ekonomi antara kaum pendatang dan orang Melayu menjadi begitu ketara. Ini ditambah pula dengan dasar British yang tidak membenarkan pembabitan Melayu dalam industri menanam getah dengan berbagai-bagai sekatan serta pengwujudan pelbagai akta termasuk Akta Tanah Rezab Melayu yang bertujuan memastikan Melayu terus tinggal di kampung menanam padi yang mana hanya cukup untuk kegunaan sendiri.

Dasar membenarkan penubuhan Sekolah Venekular Cina dan Tamil pada peringkat Sekolah Rendah oleh Penjajah British adalah sikap tolak ansur yang tidak dilakukan di mana-mana negara lain. Hanya pada tahun 1958 selepas 142 tahun kaum Cina dan India menikmati peluang ke peringkat menengah, barulah Sekolah Menengah aliran Melayu pertama diwujudkan iaitu Sekolah Alam Shah pada tahun 1963 dan hanya pada tahun 1968, kumpulan dari aliran Melayu pertama keluar dari Universiti Malaya.

Untuk rekod juga, hanya pada tahun 1967 selepas Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM) ditubuhkan barulah orang Melayu mendapat peluang ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi, selepas 151 tahun kaum Cina dan India yang berasakan mereka ditindas menikmati peluang pendidikan tinggi. Tidak hairan, antara tahun 1964 dan 1970 hanya 119 siswazah Melayu lulus dari Fakulti Sains Universiti Malaya berbanding kaum Cina dan India. Seharusnya mereka yang menggelar diri mereka profesional ini lebih sensitif dengan fakta sebegini daripada membuat tuduhan melulu tanpa bukti.

Dasar tolak ansur orang Melayu juga telah memberi peluang kepada kaum India untuk mendapat suara di Parlimen walaupun peratus kaum India tidak sampai pun 10 peratus. Seawal pilihan raya pertama pada tahun 1955, walaupun kaum India hanya meliputi 3.9 peratus daripada pengundi berdaftar dan kaum Cina hanya 11.2 peratus, pemimpin Melayu atas dasar berkongsi kuasa telah memperuntukkan 15 kerusi kepada kaum Cina dan dua kerusi kepada kaum India daripada sejumlah 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan, walaupun orang Melayu mampu menang tanpa berkongsi kuasa kerana mereka menguasai 84.2 peratus kuasa mengundi.

Ini berterusan sehinggalah pada pilihan raya lalu di mana kaum India menang di tujuh kerusi Parlimen dan 14 DUN yang majoriti Melayu termasuklah wakil MIC yang bercakap di Parlimen baru-baru ini mengenai kaum mereka dipinggirkan tanpa menyedari beliau sendiri menang di kawasan majoriti Melayu. Atas dasar tolak ansur dan kerjasama yang wujud begitu lama juga pengundi Melayu di Ijok sanggup membiarkan calon Melayu kalah di Ijok dan memejam mata untuk mengundi calon MIC. Apakah ini bukan pengorbanan. Inikah yang di panggil 'pembersihan kaum'?

Dalam bidang ekonomi juga, kaum India lebih terkehadapan. Malah empat orang India terkaya di Malaysia memiliki jumlah kekayaan tiga kali ganda lebih banyak daripada 10 orang Melayu daripada jumlah 40 orang terkaya di Malaysia, sedangkan salah seorang dari yang terkaya itu, ayahnya hanyalah seorang kerani FELDA, satu-satunya agensi yang ditubuhkan oleh Tun Abdul Razak Hussein untuk orang Melayu.

Pendapatan Purata Bulanan Isi Rumah antara kaum juga menunjukkan nisbah kaum India lebih tinggi berbanding Melayu iaitu 1.27:1 atau sebanyak RM3,456 bagi kaum India berbanding RM2,711 bagi kaum Bumiputera. Kadar kemiskinan tegar di bandar kaum India juga jauh lebih baik berbanding Bumiputra iaitu 0.2 bagi India dan 0.7 Bumiputera, tetapi di luar bandar kadar kemiskinan Bumiputra 3.3 peratus berbanding kaum India hanya 0.5 peratus.

Seperti kata pepatah, 'Di mana bumi di pijak di situ langit di junjung', maka untuk mengeluar perkataan seperti 'penghapusan kaum' amat keterlaluan bagi sebuah NGO yang kononnya didukung golongan terpelajar apatah lagi di dalam masyarakat di mana adat dan budaya masih menjadi pegangan penting.

Oleh Roslan Mohd Latif
Presiden Alumni Melayu Amerika Utara (ALMA)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


DAMAI MALAYSIA, ia itu gabungan lebih 400 NGO hari ini mengecam HINDRAF, BERSIH dan Majlis Peguam Malaysia di atas kecenderungan mengadakan demonstrasi jalanan.

Dengan di hadiri ratusan penyokong di Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur pagi tadi, DAMAI MALAYSIA sekeras-kerasnya menekankan bahawa demonstrasi jalanan bukan budaya Malaysia sekarang ini.

Turut berucap menyuarakan sokongan kepada status quo perpaduan kaum dan keamanan di Malaysia di perhimpunan tersebut termasuk wakil-wakil dari pertubuhan Cina, India, Cina Muslim, Sikh dan banyak lagi.

Ucapan oleh wakil ALMA (Alumni Pelajar Amerika Utara), Roslan Latif, antara yang diberi tepukan gemuruh. Roslan menyetuh tentang pelbagai isu pokok termasuk kontrak sosial selain mengimbau kembali keperihatinan dan sikap kesabaran dan terbuka masyarakat Melayu terhadap kaum lain sejak berzaman.

Hindraf’s allegations untrue, says Karpal

Allegations by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) that the Government was carrying out ethnic cleansing and had committed atrocities against Indians in Malaysia are baseless and untrue, said lawyer Karpal Singh.

He said he felt surprised that Hindraf leaders would make such charges and hoped that they would be more responsible when uttering such statements.

He said the manner in which Hindraf's rally on Nov 25 was carried out was not right.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kenyataan Presiden Majlis Peguam Malaysia berhubung pembatalan perarakan hak asasi

Presiden Majlis Peguam lebih rela membatalkan rancangan perarakan hak asasi pada Ahad 9 Disember ini daripada memohon permit.

Jika Majlis Peguam memohon permit, tindakan permohonan itu sendiri akan menunjukkan Majlis Peguam bersetuju bahawa hak asasi hanya boleh di amalkan di Malaysias tertakluk kepada kebenaran daripada pihak berkuasa. Ini, menurut mereka, bukanlah definisi hak asasi yang di pegang Majlis Peguam.

Komen blogger: Betul ke majoriti peguam berfikiran begitu? AGM Bar Council dihadiri hanya oleh segelintir peguam. Apakah ini perangainya orang yang angkuh dengan kelulusan undang-undang? Yang peliknya, apakah mereka tidak memahami bahawa undang-undang dibuat oleh wakil rakyat. Kalau tidak oleh wakil rakyat oleh siapa? Mana boleh kita kumpulkan 27 juta orang di satu lokasi dan berbincang hal penggubalan undang-undang? Tak praktikal! Patut lah orang Melayu mengilhamkan istilah LAWYER BURUK! Golongan orang seperti inilah yang begitu taksub dengan pemikiran bahawa undang-undang buatan manusia mengatasi undang-undang tuhan.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007



Permintaan-permintaan HINDRAF

Berikut ialah permintaan asal mereka:

  1. Pembayaran gantirugi sebanyak £1 juta daripada kerajaan Britain untuk tiap seorang rakyat Indian Malaysia.
  2. Hentikan apa yang mereka dakwa sebagai pembinasaan sengaja kuil-kuil Hindu. Pembayaran ganti rugi sebanyak RM10 juta bagi setiap satu.
  3. Hak sama dalam pendidikan dan pekerjaan
  4. Tambahan bantuan kepada 523 buah sekolah Tamil

Permintaan-permintaan baru HINDRAF

  1. Perjumpaan dengan Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Ahad ini.
  2. Penubuhan sebuah jawatankuasa baru bagi membantu menangani masalah-masalah yang dihadapi kaum India.
  3. Desakan supaya dibebaskan kesemua tahanan berbangsa India dari sebuah penjara di Johor.
  4. Perlantikan seorang yang bukan Melayu sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
  5. Jawatan Menteri Kewangan diberikan kepada seorang Cina.
  6. 20 peratus daripada kesemua jawatan tertinggi dalam kerajaan dan swasta diberikan kepada kaum India bagi tempoh 15 tahun akan datang.
  7. Sekurang-kurangnya 20 orang Ahli Parlimen Pembangkang dilantik oleh masyarakat India.

Komen blogger:

Renungkan kesemua permintaan di atas dan bandingkan dengan keadaan sebenar di depan mata kita di Malaysia behubung kaum India yang hanya merangkumi 8 peratus daripada jumlah bilangan penduduk negara.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Surat HINDRAF kepada Perdana Menteri Britain, Gordon Brown telah menuduh orang Melayu, terutama yang ada kuasa, membunuh kaum India secara sistematik.

Senangnya nak jadi rascist. Cuma perlu ada kelulusan undang-undang lantaran boleh bertopengkan sebagai lawyer dan buat pelbagai tuduhan perkauman. Ramai lawyer berbangsa India di negara kita belajar undang-undang Inggeris...malah ada juga lawyer Melayu yang berfikiran macam lawyer India. Entah apa penyakitnya mereka ni. Pengajian undang-undang ala barat banyak membawa masalah kepada orang Islam.

Macam-macam tuduhan di lemparkan terhadap orang Melayu, khusunya UMNO & kerajaan sekarang yang dikatakan di dominasi oleh Melayu. Mereka lupa kalau Malaysia turut mengikuti amalan demokrasi macam Singapura dan lain-lain, mereka langsung tidak akan ada suara atau tempat dalam kerajaan kerana mereka tidak ada kawasan majoriti (hanya 08% kalau nak ikut dakwaan mereka sendiri).

Soalannya, apakah kita boleh mempercayai bahawa Barat boleh menjadi wira mereka bagi membela dan menghakimi dakwaan ketidakadilan yang mereka lemparkan? Apakah hak Britain ke atas negara kita? Mengapa Britain? Kenapa tidak India? Agak pelik juga, kan? Kenapa, ya? Agaknya pada persepsi HINDRAF hanya kaum Anglo-Saxon yang terbukti telah menganaiya orang India sebelum negara India merdeka saja boleh berlaku adil dan bertamadun. Betul ke?

Cabaran kepada HINDRAF

i. Kalaulah HINDRAF ini cerdik sangat, apa kata kalau kita menjemput mereka berdebat bagi mengetahui betapa ceteknya kefahaman mereka terhadap maksud 'masyarakat majmuk' dan keperluan sosio-ekonomi di Malaysia.

ii. Mencabar HINDRAF untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya yg akan datang. Dalam konteks ini, mencabar kerajaan yg memerintah bermaksud mencabar semua pengundi majoriti di pihak kerajaan yg berbilang kaum.

iii. Secalit kata berbau "perkauman", Hukumnya WAJIB dikenakan tahanan ISA (itulah antara matlamat Akta ISA - public Interest prevails)

iv. Siarkan di semua rangkaian TV latar-belakang pemimpin HINDRAF yg pernah mendapat bantuan Kerajaan dalam berbagai bentuk secara langsung atau tidak sehingga mereka menjadi individu "cerdik" tapi intipatinya "Bodoh & Sombong"

v. Seluruh dunia mengagumi cara perjuangan MAHATMA GANDHI...dimana sebenarnya semangat itu pada kaum INDIA Malaysia?

The Bar Council just another ‘political’ party hijacking the feeble mind of young lawyers

If anyone comes up to me and say that lawyers stand up for justice, I'd not hesitate to rubbish them. Although the spirit of the law is all about honour, the lot (the very much saturated lot) of the legal fraternity in Malaysia is no different compared to the corrupted dregs of society.

I am disillussioned, long disilussioned with what these legal eagles stand up for in righting the perceived wrongs of the system, given the fact that they themselves are not beyond reproach.

In a stride we now see the Bar Council acting like a political party. It is obvious the movers and shakers within that hallowed institution is more inclined to push for their greedy political ideals than to carry out the honourable objectives of their profession.

Another issue that has long been of concerned among us is the blind dependence on English laws to provide for any lacuna in the country's laws. With such corrupted and blinkered mindset, it comes as no surprise to see the Bar Council constantly attacking the other legal instutions entrenched in Malaysia.

So taken are they by the ass that is English law that nothing else compares. They have closed their minds to the fact that the country's disparate societal make-up requires a very different legal mindset – one that must be based on the needs and acceptance of the target group.

Anwar Ibrahim uses people to carry out his evil intentions

The following comments were made recently by a former officer of The Institute for Policy Research, a think tank established by Anwar Ibrahim and headed by his protege, Khalid Jaafar:

"Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim uses people to realise his objectives. He is oblivious to whatever that happens to any of his supporters so long as they continue to agitate and rip assunder Malaysia's fragile social fabric.

Throughout the history of his defiance of social order, Anwar Ibrahim had caused a number of his supporters to fall and brought to book. The only consolation whenever this happened was to give nothing more than lip service.

The HINDRAF rally last week was yet another fine example of his cruel orchestrations. He encouraged, supported, and gave the ignorant participants Dutch courage to execute their deeds – deeds which were clearly against the law and provocative in nature.

This is the real Anwar Ibrahim..."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Alleged discrimination of minority Indians an excuse to stir racial sentiments

So much was going around about the HINDRAF rally in several parts of Kuala Lumpur yesterday. It was a Sunday and it was natural for folks in the city to breakfast out for their dose of roti canai or thosai. Mid morning saw smses and phone calls trickling in to handphones updating on the commotion caused by the gathering HINDRAF supporters. Some of the messages were just bits of facts which soon took a life of its own to metamorphose into outright lies and unfounded rumours.

This blogger was at the scene at a location. Watched the whole thing and would hesitate to blame the police for their efforts to break-up the illegal assembly. They gave warnings after the several warnings on the run-up to the demonstration days before but to no avail. Many of the obvious thugs at the centre and on the edges of the groups could clearly be seen hurling abuses, profanities as well as lots of racialistic remarks. This had its desired effect on the rest. In a frenzy, they chanted and tried to lock hands to face the police.

What I saw was the police doing their work professionally. Try to be on their side and, perhaps, the demonstrators will think differently. Bystanders gawked at the melee with disgust. Not disgusted with the police but disgusted at the people who were obviously being used as pawns for some devious political ends.I adjourned to a kedai mamak soon after and overheard people loudly discussing the situation as though wanting everyone around to hear. One guy was Indian.

"Dont know if these guys realise that Indian votes dont count much in our elections because they are all on seats borrowed from the India no new Mosque is allowed to be built so much so that in Mumbai Friday prayers are held twice or thrice in a mosque due to the sheer number of people that could not be accomodated within the Bali, Hindus just wrap sarongs around trunks of trees, which they believe have 'dewas'...they never build shrines or temples on the sites !

Back home in Malaysia, even illegally built suraus have been torned down. Democratic rights do not include ignoring the laws made by democratically elected representatives. If the Election Commission cheats, how come there are so many oppositions seats and one entire state run by an opposition party for 20 years? And how come PKR recently won a state seat in Sarawak?

Indians in Malaysia should very well practice some introspection as advocated by the Hindu religion instead of blaming others. In a multi-racial society, everyone should introspect! It is doubly dangerous if one blames only the others for one's problems. "

But, of course to the hot headed detractors, such an opinion coming from an Indian at that point in time would be seen as just a ploy orchestrated by the government – or that he was nothing more than an UMNO dog (in the usual lingo of the opposition) or an MIC stalwart...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Malay Regiment on standby November 10: A Police Request

Lots of rumours have been thrown about during the run-up to the November 10 gathering as well as on the day itself. One that had perked many ears was the one alleging that the crack Royal Malay Regiment was mobilised following an order by the Agong to 'protect' those who took part in the illegal assembly in the event of high-handed police action.

Such a rumour was made to sound so credible that it boosted the morale and false courage of the organisers and participants of the illegal demonstration. It seems that someone, somewhere, somehow had made one hell of a coup in orchestrating such a rumour and outrageously claiming that the gathering was 'sanctioned' by SPB YDP Agong Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud.

This person or group of persons had cleverly leveraged and exploited the Agong's people-friendly disposition to help realise their devious deeds...and the 'people' believed.

However, when Dato' Pengelola Bentara Bijaya Istana Negara Dato' Wan Mohd Saifian Wan Hassan called a special media conference to categorically state that the Agong regretted the claims that his highness supported the illegal gathering, several parties were taken aback. They were shocked to find their 'hopes' smashed upon realising that it was all a lie.

Reacting to this statement, Raja Petra Kamaruddin promptly posted another article in Malaysia-Today, entitled "What the eye does not see" to rebutt the official stament from Istana Negara. In the article, Raja Petra clearly denied and questioned the statement made through Dato' Wan Mohd Safian. He went on an offensive to mock and belittle that high official from the palace to the extent that he even made public the latter's KPT number and UMNO membership number. To the more thinking observers, pointing out Dato' Wan Mohd Safian's party membership is nothing but a feeble attempt to ridicule him. It holds no concrete relevance to the matter at hand.

More important, through his article in Malaysia-Today, Raja Petra went on to insist that Tuanku Sultan Mizan did give 'support','consented' and even 'blessed' the gathering/march. Raja Petra also claimed that the Agong requested for the names of those involved to be submitted to him. Even more serious, Raja Petra claimed that the Agong had ordered the Sungai Petani based 19th Brigade of the Malay regiment (RAMD) to take positions at Sungai Buloh along with 14 tanks - a move that gave credence to the lie that the excercise was solely to give 'protection' to the demonstrators in the event of police action. This assumption was based on the incident that had occured earlier in Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu.

These are all blantant lies. Facts had been manipulated to give false 'courage' and certain 'directions' to the mob action, which clearly was against Malaysian laws. The end certainly does not justify the means!

What actually transpired, the illegal gathering/march was widely publicised by the alternative media weeks before it happened. The organisers had hoped no less than 100,000 people would participate in the illegal demonstration on Nov 10.

The Royal Malaysian Police, the agency responsible for public security and safety found it quite daunting to handle the situation should 100,000 people turn out for the occassion on that Saturday. It was because of this that the Army was asked by the police to help out in case anything untoward should happen.

The truth is, on the afternoon of Saturday Nov 10, army commanders were stationed at the operations centre in Bukit Aman along with senior police officers to help monitor and plan security and safety measures. The army on standby is actually the normal unit based at Wardieburn Camp, Sungai Besi Camp as well as throughout the Klang Valley.

As such there is NO truth when Malaysia-Today and Raja Petra claimed that the 19th Brigade of the RAMD was specially brought in from Sungai Petani to give 'protection' to the illegal assembly. Looking at it in a more logical manner, if in the very unlikely event the order was given for such a manouvre the mechanised regiment and 1st Division based at Terendak Camp, including the crack Commando Corp based at Sungai Udang Camp would have been a better choice for easy deployment during emergencies, given their proximity to the Klang Valley compared to Sungai Petani.

It was so irresponsible of Malaysia-Today to publish the article, which clearly contained stark elements of sedition:

  1. To belittle and bring shame to the institution of Malay Rulers
  2. To question and dispute the official statement from Istana Negara on behalf of DYMM SPB YDP Agong
  3. To defame SPB YDP Agong by claiming that His Majesty 'ordered' the 19th Brigade of the RAMD to be mobilised immediately just because of the illegal gathering/march on Nov 10
  4. To question and dispute the professionalism and integrity of the RAMD
  5. To question and dispute the integrity and professionalism of the Royal Malaysian Police, in particular its ability to maintain public order, and security during the Nov 10 illegal gathering.

A police report had been lodged over the article by Malaysia-Today and Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

Hence, it would be, indeed, wise for readers of the alternative media, especially those on the Internet to gauge and weigh between facts,outright lies, fabrication and factual manipulation such as this.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Opposition: Saturday's rally just the beginning - Beginning of the end for them?

While agreeing that rampant incidence of corruption must be curtailed, many of us are very cautious when opting for other avenues to press for change.

One channel that seems to have been embraced wholly by the detractors of the Barisan Nasional-led government is, of course, street protests.

No matter what the supporters of such tactic say to defend their 'righteousness', a question that most constantly begs to be answered is, 'wither common sense?'

We live in a country with rules and laws. If these rules and laws are being transgressed freely, what, I ask, is the purpose of our existence as professed Malaysians? We don't trust the government, we dont trust the judiciary, we dont trust the civil service, we dont trust most of our elected representatives. Whom do we trust?

The opposition agitators would easily dismiss police actions as unreasonable and violent when trying to disperse illegal demonstrations, but we seem blinkered to the fact that what we carry out without legal approval is still illegal. Still a wrong.

Are we all dried of ideas to push for change that we must insist on staging a display of public anger, although in the guise of a 'peaceful' demonstration?

Come on, most of the public will not buy such an excuse. Malaysia is not like the autocratic junta-led Myanmar or other similar examples. We still see strong opposition dominating Kelantan as well as pockets of opposition control throughout the country.

The opposition and NGOs can still voice their opinion unfettered although they claim that the mainstream media is controlled by the government. Are they so unresourceful in their search for more ideal avenues that they keep harping on the same obvious lines?

Malaysia stands out as a model of peace and harmony. Must we shatter that image just because some of us feel that some things are not right?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Spare some time to understand with a humble and open mind The Concept of Human Rights as Provided by the Quran

President Ahmadinejad addressing 62nd UN General Assembly


In the Name of God, the Almighty

"Oh God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness"

Mr. Chairman, Honorable Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased and grateful to the Almighty to have the opportunity once again to attend this important universal forum.

In the present tumultuous world and predominance of loud outcries, threats and tensions, and in the time when the big powers are unable to solve the present problems, when mistrust in regional and international arenas is on the rise, when psychological security of societies is being targeted by an onslaught of political and propaganda designs, and disappointment prevails over efficacy of policies and actions of the international organizations in establishing of durable peace and security, and the protection of human rights is being weakened, I plan to touch upon and explain the roots and ways out of these predicaments and some of the principal challenges facing our world. I will also speak to you about the need for amending the present situation, prospects for brighter and more hopeful future, and about the reappearance of the sublime and beauty, kindness and dignity, justice and blossoming of all divine human talents and dominance of love of God and realization of the promise of God as stated by of all divine prophets and righteous men. I will then put to your judgment the nuclear issue of Iran as a reality and testing ground for measurement of honesty, efficacy, steadfastness and victories. In the closing part of my address, I will offer my proposals.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As you are all aware we are presently facing important, numerous and diverse challenges that I will refer to some of them.

1- Organized attempts to tear down the institution of family and to reduce the status of women.

Family is the most sacred and valuable human institution that serves as the center of the purest mutual love and affection of mothers, fathers and children, and a safe environment for the upbringing and cultivating human generations, and a fertile ground for blossoming of sentiments and emotions. This institution has always been respected by all nationalities, religions of cultures.

Today we are witnessing an organized invasion by the enemies of humanity and plunderers to tear down this genuine institution. They target this noble institution by promoting lewdness, violence and breaking the boundaries of chastity and decency.

The precious existence of women as the expression of divine beauty and peak of kindness, affection and purity has been the target of heavy exploitation over the past recent decades by the holders of powers and owners of media and wealth. In some societies, this beloved creature has been reduced to mere instruments of publicity and all boundaries and protective shields of chastity, purity and beauty have been trampled. This is a colossal betrayal of human society, of succeeding generations, and an irreparable blow on the social coherence.

2. Widespread Violations of Human Rights, Terrorism and Occupation

Unfortunately human rights are being extensively violated by certain powers, especially by those who pretend to be their exclusive advocates. Setting up clandestine prisons, abductions, trials and secret punishments without any regard to due process, listening on telephone conversations, opening private letters and frequent summons to police and security centers have become commonplace and prevalent. They prosecute scientists and historians for stating their opinions on important global issues. They are using different alibis to occupy sovereign nations and cause chaos and divisions, and then use the prevailing situation as an excuse to continue their occupation.

For more than sixty years, Palestine, as compensation of the loss they incurred in the war in Europe, has been under occupation of the illegal Zionist regime. Their people have been displaced or are under heavy military pressure, economic siege or are incarcerated under abhorrent conditions. The occupiers are protected and praised, while innocent people of Palestine are subjected to political, military and propaganda onslaughts.

The people of Palestine are deprived of water, electricity and medicine for the sin of asking for freedom, and their government that has come from the votes of the people is targeted. Terrorists are being organized to attack the lives and property of people, under auspices of politicians and military officials of the big powers. The brutal Zionists carry out targeted assassinations of Palestinians in their homes and cities, and terrorists receive medals of peace and support from the big powers. On the other hand they gather a number of deprived Jewish people with false propagation under pretext of providing them with welfare, job and food from different parts of the world and settle them in the occupied territories and exposed them to harshest restrictions, psychological pressures and constant threat.

They prevent these deprived people to return to their main lands and by use of force and false propagation make them show their hatred towards indigenous Palestinian people.

Iraq was occupied under the pretext of overthrow of a dictator and existence of weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqi dictator who had been supported by the same occupiers was disposed of, and no weapons were discovered, but occupation continues under different excuses.

No day passes without people being killed, wounded or displaced, and occupiers not only refuse to be accountable and ashamed, but speak in a report of a new market for their armaments as the result of their military venture. They even oppose the constitution, national assembly and the government arising from the votes of the people, while do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq.

Unfortunately we are witnessing this bitter truth that some powers do not put value on any nation or human beings, and the only things that matters to them are themselves, their parties and groups. In their view, human rights are tantamount to profits for their companies and friends. The rights and the good name of American people are also being sacrificed for the selfish desires of those holding power.

3. Aggressions against Indigenous Cultures and National Values

Culture is the expression of identity and the key to survival of nations and the foundation for their interaction with others. In an organized movement, indigenous cultures that are messengers of monotheism, love and fraternity are being subjected to broad and destructive aggressions. National customs and values are humiliated and self-esteem and character of nations are ridiculed and defamed. The purpose is to promote blind emulations, consumerism, skeptism toward God and human values, and plundering of their wealth by big powers.

4. Poverty, illiteracy, Health Deprivation and Gap between the poor and the Rich

While a major part of the natural environment in Asia, Africa and Latin America is being plundered by political and economic domination of certain powers. The situation of poverty and deprivation is very alarming. These are some of numbers by the United Nations:

- Every day close to 800 million people go to bed hungry and about 980 million suffer from absolute poverty, with less than one dollar a day in purchasing power.

- People of 31 countries, equivalent to 9 percent of the world's population, have an average life expectancy equaling to 46 years, which is 32 years less than the average of some countries.

- Ratio between the rich and the poor in some parts of the world is 40 times.

- In some countries, majority of people are deprived of access to education and schooling.

- In many developing countries the maternal mortality rate during pregnancy is 450 per 100,000. This ratio is 7 in the richer nations and the ratio of mortality of new births is 59 for developing countries and 6 for the richer nations.

- One-third of mortality in the world, or 50,000 daily, results from poverty.

I believe these numbers clearly demonstrat the tragic situation prevailing over the global economy.

5. Ignoring Noble Values and Promotion of Deception and Lies.

Some powers sacrifice all human values including honesty, purity and trust for the advancement of their goals. They propagate skepticism and deception in the relations between states and peoples. They lie openly, level baseless charges against others, act contrary to legal norms and damage the climate of trust and friendship. They openly abandon morality and noble values in their relations with others, and substitute selfishness, supremacy, enmity and imposition for justice, respect for others, love, affection and honesty.

They sacrifice all the good things of life and the sublime for their own greed.

6. Violations of Rules of International Law and Disrespect of Commitments

Some who were themselves the drafters of international law openly and easily violate them and apply discriminatory policies and double standards. They drafted disarmament regulations, but every day test and stockpile new generations of lethal weapons. They framed the Charter of the United Nations, but show disrespect to the right of self-determination and independence of sovereign nations. They conveniently abrogate their formal treaties, and do not yield to laws concerning protection of environment. Most of the violations of international obligations are done by few global powers.

7. Escalation of Threats and Arms Race

Some powers, whenever their logic fails, simply use the language of threat. The heavy arms race cast the shadow of threat over the globe. The nations of Europe were the victims of two world wars and a number of other devastating conflicts and were subjected to the consequences of the Cold War for many decades. Today Europeans are living under the shadow of threat, and their interests, security and lands are endangered under shadow of the arms race imposed by certain big powers.

A bullying power allows itself the right to set up a missile system, makes the life of the peoples of a continent bitter and lays the ground for arms race.

Some rulers who superficially appear to be powerful act as a child that has acquired a plastic water gun and feels powerful power and starts shooting impatiently at all things and at all times, threaten others and cast the shadow of insecurity over nations and regions.

8. Inefficacy of International Mechanism to prevail over these challenges and to bring durable peace and security.

International organizations and mechanisms clearly lack the capacity to overcome problems and challenges, to put in place fair and just relations and peace, fraternity and security. There is hardly any government or nation that places much hope on these mechanisms to secure its rights or defend its independence, territorial integrity and national interests.

Dear Friends and Collegues,

The challenges are a lot more than the ones I enumerated and I know that you would have presented many more if you wanted to dwell on them, but I chose to confine myself to the ones I stated.
Now, the important and decisive question concerns the roots and causes of these challenges.
A scientific and careful analysis shows that the root of the present situation lies in two fundamental factors.

Without doubt, the first factor lies in the relations arising from the consequences of World War the Second.

The victors of the war drew the roadmap for global domination and formulated their policies not on the basis of justice but for ensuring interests of victors over the vanquished nations. Therefore mechanisms arising from this approach and related policies have not been capable to find just solutions for global problems since 60 years ago.

Some big powers still carry the conduct of the victors of a world war and regard other states and nations even those that had nothing to do with the war, as the vanquished, and humiliate other nations and demand extortion from the condescending position similar to feudal and peasants of the medieval age.
They regard themselves superior to others and are not accountable to any government or international body.

Colleagues, Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Among all the ineffective organizations, unfortunately, the UN Security Council ranks first.
They have created circumstances in which some powers with exclusive and special right to veto in the Security Council act as prosecutor, Judge and executioner, regardless of being a defendant or respondent. It is natural that countries that have been subjected to their infringements have no hope to get what they deserve from the Council.

Unfortunately the humanity has witnessed that in all long wars, like the Korean and Vietnam wars, the war of the Zionists against Palestinians and Lebanon, war of Saddam against the people of Iran and ethnic wars of Europe and Africa, one of members the Security Council was one of the belligerents or supported one party against the other, usually the aggressor, or the conflict itself.
Look at Iraq, they first occupied them and then received authorization from the Security Council, the same Council in which the same occupiers have the right of veto.

Who should the people of Iraq complain about and to where should they take their complaints with hopes of securing their rights?

We saw in Lebanon that some powers delayed the decisions of the Security Council hoping for the victory of the Zionist regime. However, when they became disappointed in that usurper regime's victory, they approved of a ceasefire to take effect. But the duty of the Security Council is to prevent the expansion of conflicts, to put in place the ceasefire and promote peace and safety. Who should the people of Lebanon complain about and where should they take their complaints to?

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The presence of some monopolist powers has prevented the Security Council from doing its main duties which are safeguarding peace and security based on justice. The credibility of the council has been tarnished and its efficacy in defending the rights of its members has been destroyed. Many nations have lost their confidence in the Council.

Some other mechanisms like the monetary and banking mechanisms are in the same undesirable situation and have been turned into tools for the imposition of the wishes of some powers on other nations.

It is evident that these mechanisms are not capable of responding to the current needs and solving the challenges and establishing fair and sustainable relations.

Dear Colleagues,

Again, there is no doubt that the second and more important factor is some big powers' disregard of morals, divine values, the teachings of prophets and directions specified by the all-knowing God as well as the rule of the sinful. How can the sinful that can not even manage and control themselves, rule the humanity and arrange his affairs?

Unfortunately they have put themselves in the position of God! They are in servitude of their own whims and desire to have everything for themselves. For them, the human dignity and the lives, properties lands of others are no longer important.
Humanity has had the deep wound caused by impious powers on his battered body. Today, the problems that people around world face are mainly rooted in the disregard of human values and morals and also in the management by the impious.

Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The only sustainable way to the betterment of mankind, is the return to the teachings of divine prophets, monotheism, respect for the dignity of humans and the flow of love and affections in all relationships, ties and regulations. Then the structures should be reformed based on these.

To fulfill this objective, I invite everybody to line up a front of fraternity, amity and sustainable peaces based on monotheism and justice under the name of "Coalition for Peace" to prevent incursions and arrogance and propagate the culture of affection and justice. I hereby announce that with the help of all independent, justice-seeking and peace-loving nations, the Islamic republic of Iran will be treading on this path.

Monotheism, Justice and love for humans should dominate all the pillars of the UN and this organization has to be a reference for justice and every member of it has to enjoy equal spiritual and legal support.

General Assembly as the representative of the international community shall be considered as the most important pillar of the UN in order, free from any pressure and threats of big powers, to take required measures for reforming the UN structures and especially change the present status of the Security Council and define new structures based on justice and democracy with the purpose to become responsive to the present requirements and be able to settle existing challenges leading to the establishment of sustainable stability and security.


The nuclear issue of Iran is a clear example of the performance of such mechanisms and their prevailing thoughts.

As you all know, Iran is an official member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and has always observed its rules and regulations and has had the most extensive cooperation with this Agency in all aspects. All our nuclear work has been completely peaceful and transparent.

According to the Statute of the IAEA, any member has a number of rights and commitments. Actually, any member has to move on the peaceful path and, under the supervision of the Agency, assist other members and is entitled to be supported by the Agency and have access to the fuel cycle with the help the Agency and its members.

So far, Iran has fulfilled all its obligations but has been deprived of other members' technical assistance and, even during some periods of time, of the Agency's support.
For about 5 years, some of the aforementioned powers tried to deny the Iranian nation of its rights by exerting pressures on IAEA.

They derailed Iran's nuclear issue of its legal path and politicized the atmosphere to impose their wishes taking advantage of all their potentials.

Iran spared no effort to build confidence. However, nothing satisfied them except the complete halt of all nuclear activities even those related to research and university fields. They were only after depriving Iran of all its inalienable rights. Therefore, even those centers not involved in the fuel cycle or not in need of the supervision of the Agency were closed. After three years of negotiation and trying to build confidence, the Iranian nation came to the resolute conviction that the main concern of these powers is not the possible deviation of Iran from the rules and regulations of the Agency but its scientific progress. If this trend continues there will be no chance for Iran to enjoy its rights, not even in the next 20 years. Therefore, it has to be decided to follow up the issue on its right legal path that goes through the Agency away from illegitimate and political impositions by the arrogant powers. Of course, Iranian Nation has always been ready and now is prepared for constructive talks.

By abusing the Security Council, the arrogant powers have repeatedly accused Iran and even made military threats against it over the last two years. However, thanks to the faith in God and the national unity, Iran has moved forward step by step and now our country is recognized as a country with the capacity for industrial scale fuel cycle production for peaceful uses.

Fortunately, the Agency has recently tried to regain its legal role as supporter of the rights of its members and supervisor of nuclear activities. We see this as a right approach adopted by the Agency. Previously, they illegally wished to politicize Iranian Nation's nuclear case, but today, thanks to the resistance of the Iranian nation, the issue is back at the Agency and I officially announce that in our opinion the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed and has turned into an ordinary matter. Today many questions have been raised on Iranian nuclear activities within IAEA by certain powers which shall be examined properly. Of course Iran has always been prepared to have constructive talks with all parties.

I would like to thank all the nations and countries that, during this hard juncture, defended the legal rights of my nation and motherland and also appreciate the members of the Non-Aligned Movement, our other friends in the Security Council, IAEA's Board of Governors, the committed and law-abiding experts of the Agency and its Director General for their insistence on the law. I would also like to announce that unlike the monopolist powers, the Iranian nation is ready to offer to other members its experiences in form of educational programs and based on the obligations of the Agency's statute and under its supervision.

Now I would like to address those who beleaguered the Iranian nation for about five years, offended and accused my people who have contributed to the history and civilization of the world and advice them to learn from their recent actions. They mistreated the Iranian nation but they have to be careful not to do the same with other nations and not to sacrifice the integrity of international organizations for the sake of their unlawful wishes. Today the nations of the world are wide-awake, vigilant, and resistant. If you reform yourselves, the whole world will be reformed.

Nations are inherently good and can co-exist peacefully. They'd better try to serve their own people, and be sure that others do not need them.

Is it not high time for these powers to return from the path of arrogance and obedience of Satan to the path of Godliness?

Do they not like to be cleansed of their impurities, submit to the will of God and believe in him?
Faith in God means believing in honesty, purity, justice and loving others!

They can be sure that they will benefit from purity, honesty, justice, loving and respecting the human dignity. They can be sure that such attributes are considered to be more appropriate, valuable and beautiful by the nations of the world.

This is the invitation of all divine prophets from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Mohammed, the Messenger of God (PBUH).

If they answer to the invitation, they will be saved and if they don't, the same thing that befell the people of the past will befall them.

According to holy Koran:
"One who does not answer the divine call should not think that he has weakened God on earth; he has no companion but God and he is clearly engulfed by darkness".

They have nothing of their own and can not escape from the dominion of the rule of God and his will.
In this important gathering, I have to remind them of the following words of the Almighty which has been mentioned in the Holy Quran:

"Do they not look at the powers and governments which came before them? If the people of the past had actually possessed something, they would have kept it and would not have let you the posses it now. God destroyed them because of their sins and nobody could protect them against the will of God".

They have to know that the ways and traditions based on oppression and injustice will be destroyed. Do they not see the signs of vigilance and resistance based on monotheism, philanthropy and the justice-seeking spirit of the nations of the world? Do they not notice the imminent fall of empires?
I hope that this invitation will have a practical answer.


Nations and countries don't have to obey the injustice of certain powers. These powers, because of the reasons already mentioned, have lost the competence to lead the world because of their hideous acts.

I officially declare that the age of relations arising from the Second World War as well as materialistic thoughts based on arrogance and domination is well over now.

Humanity has passed a perilous precipice and the age of monotheism, purity, affinity, respecting others, justice and true peace loving has commenced.

It is the divine promise that the truth will be victorious and earth will be inherited by the righteous. You, who are free, believers and the people of the world, put your trust in God. You, who crave for the high values, wherever you are, try to prepare the grounds for the fulfillment of this great divine promise by serving the people and seeking justice.

The age of darkness will end, the prisoners will come back home, the occupied lands will be freed, Palestine and Iraq will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers and the people of Europe will be free of the pressures exerted by the Zionists. The tender-hearted and humanity-loving governments will replace the aggressive and domineering ones. The human dignity will be regained. The pleasing aroma of justice will permeate the world and people will live together in a brotherly and affectionate manner.

Striving in this way to give the rule to the righteous and the Promised One is actually the final cure for the wounds of humanity, the solution of all problems, and the establishment of love, beauty, justice and happiness all over the world. This belief and endeavor is the key to unity and the constructive interactions among nations, countries, the people of the world and all the true justice seekers.

Without any doubt, the Promised One who is the final Savior and the last heavenly message will come. In the company of all believers, justice-seekers and benefactors, he will establish the bright future and fill the world with justice and beauty. This is the promise of God, therefore it will be fulfilled.

Let's have a role in the fulfillment of all this glory and beauty.

I wish for the bright future for all human beings and the dawn of the liberation and freedom for all humans and the rule of love and affections all around the world as well as elimination of oppression, hatred and violence. The wish which I think will be realized in the near future.

Ponder the following:

  1. Nasaruddin Jalil, rich economic advisor and died-hard supporter of DSAI died recently.
  2. Razak Ahmad, Chairman of PKR Johore died a few months ago, too.
  3. Syed Azmi, Penang strong supporter & Pengerusi Perhubungan Pulau Pinang is now seriously ill.
  4. Zainal Abidin Wahid, ardent supporter is also now seriously ill and wheel-chair bound.
  5. Sanusi Osman of PRM is also seriously ill of old age.
  6. The wives of three of DSAI's close friends have died of cancer (i.e. Anuar Zaini, former VC Universiti Malaya, Nazri Abdullah, formerly of NST and Kamaruddin Md Nor, still Ketua bahagian UMNO Pasir Putih Kelantan).
  7. Zainur Zakaria, former lawyer to DSAI, has decided to wind down his support of DSAI and is now significantly quiet and no longer active in PKR.
  8. Marina Yusof and Saidatul Said Keruak (Sabah) have left Keadilan and rejoined UMNO (though surely they will get anywhere now in UMNO?)
  9. Roslan Kassim, LokmanNor Adam, Hanafiah Man and Zaid Mat Ariff plus eight others have declared rejoining UMNO a year ago.
  10. Many others like Saupi Daud, Anwar Tahir, Ustaz Mohamed Mustapha (Kelantan) and Shaari Sungib have left PKR for PAS.
  11. Ezam Md Nor left PKR recently, why?
  12. Even Nallakaruppan has quit PKR and deserted Anwar...

Why? Are they all wrong and only Anwar right? One begins to wonder – why? Needless, this surely has affected DSAI's morale. Hence, failing to get support from these people anymore, he now has no choice but to try become a hero for the non-Malays in order to continue to be relevant to Malaysian politics.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Child Alert System

From Lenggong Valley Blog

It is good to know that an initiative for a child alert system mooted by Nuraina Samad in her blog sometime back has received positive response. Based on the American system, Amber Alert, the Nurin Alert system as envisioned by Nurin's uncle, Jazlin, may very well be a manifestation of a wholesome programme to facilitate the search and rescue process in the event of a lost child report.

Prior to this, about two years ago, this blogger had come out with a similar idea named GERAK AWAM, which was submitted to the Malaysian police through some people but came to nothing. I don't know whether it got lost in the convoluted proposal submitting system or received but found its way into oblivion in some musty store room somewhere.

Anyway, my programme is a comprehensive link-up of a web portal with a nationwide satellite child tracking system that uses nanotechnology in the form of the RFID (Radio Frequency Integrated Digital Device). As an adjuct to this 'base' setup, the system would also link to the Short Messaging System (SMS) and other modes of connectivity.

Now, with the Nurin Alert programme attracting certain attention, I do hope my programme would again be revisited. I would gladly help invoke its use should Nurin Alert require further enhancements.

Menentukan Pendirian Kita Terhadap Barat

DALAM suasana merdeka ini, kita patut kembali melihat pendirian yang betul terhadap dunia yang pernah menjajah kita. Sikap yang adil amat sukar dibuat oleh sesetengah pihak. Ini disebabkan beberapa faktor.

Kekuatan dan kemegahan Barat yang berjaya mempengaruhi minda manusia. Juga kemunduran atau kelemahan dunia Islam yang menjadikan seakan segala falsafah Islam yang hebat bagaikan dongengan yang tidak berpijak di alam nyata.

Saya selalu membuat perumpamaan, jikalau ada barangan tertentu yang satu dikeluarkan di Barat tanpa disenaraikan keistimewaannya, dan satu lagi dikeluarkan di dunia Islam dengan disenaraikan keistimewaannya, perasaan masyarakat umumnya merasai, barangan Barat tentu lebih hebat.

Ini kerana Barat secara umumnya telah berjaya membina jenama yang baik untuk blok mereka. Sementara dunia Islam sentiasa dipandang sinis dalam berbagai-bagai perkara.

Dunia Islam yang sepatutnya menerajui tamadun pembangunan insan dan kebendaan telah mundur dan hilang peranan. Hasil dari hilangnya identiti diri iaitu akidah yang murni yang menjadi asas tamadun umat, maka hilanglah tamadun kita yang pernah dibina. Bahkan sebahagian masyarakat Islam hidup dalam kesyirikan dan khurafat yang tebal.

Lihat sahaja apa yang wujud di Indonesia, Mesir dan Morocco dan seumpama mereka. Mereka bukan sahaja ketinggalan zaman, mereka juga ketinggalan Islam yang tulen. Kepercayaan kepada tangkal-mangkal, bomoh, tahyul, khurafat wali-wali dan seumpamanya menguasai sebahagian masyarakat umat ini.

Walaupun mereka mendakwa diri mereka Muslim, namun benteng akidah telah pun mereka hancurkan.

Bahkan ada istiadat dan pegangan bangsa yang menyanggahi syarak menggantikan tempat agama. Wanita Islam di sesetengah masyarakat umpamanya, begitu ditindas di sudut hak sebagai wanita, bahkan sebagai insan. Anak perempuan bagaikan hak dagangan bapanya yang mempunyai kuasa mutlak mengahwinkan dia kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya tanpa diizinkan sebarang bantahan dari empunya tubuh. Isteri pula bagaikan hamba abdi suaminya yang seakan diberi kuasa oleh budaya setempat untuk benar-benar diperhambakan.

Wajah-wajah buruk bangsa yang menganut Islam ini telah benar-benar menconteng keindahan Islam di mata dunia. Setelah menggambarkan keagungan generasi Islam yang lampau, 'Ali Tantawi berkata: "Majoriti kaum Muslimin hari ini, disebabkan kecuaian mereka dengan kewajipan- kewajipan agama ini, maka mereka berada di belakang umat-umat yang lain, mereka menjadi hujah untuk musuh-musuh Islam menghina Islam." Sehingga Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, atau Muhammad Abduh menyebut perkataan yang hebat: "Islam itu terlindung oleh penganutnya." (Ali Tantawi, Mauqifuna min al-Hadarat al-Gharbiyyat, m.s. 45, Jeddah: Dar al-Manarah).

Maka perkembangan kemajuan dan perubahan norma-norma tertentu yang berlaku di dunia Barat telah mempengaruhi dunia Islam. Barat yang sebelumnya ketinggalan jauh dibandingkan kemajuan yang pernah dicapai oleh umat Islam. Barat telah berjaya menguasai tamadun kebendaan dan cuba memunculkan diri mereka sebagai simbol kejayaan tamadun manusia moden.

Ini sebenarnya hasil kecuaian umat Islam terutama golongan agama dan pemerintah. Golongan agama yang tidak faham telah menjadikan agama begitu jumud menolak kemodenan dan hanya tertumpu kepada persoalan fardu ain. Sementara banyak pemerintah di dunia Islam hanya mementing diri dan meninggalkan tanggungjawab membangunkan umat.

Justeru itu semua pandangan kebanyakan bangsa tertumpu kepada Barat, termasuklah umat Islam. Barat telah dianggap kononnya simbol kepada gaya hidup zaman moden, juga kononnya mereka adalah pejuang hak dan kebebasan manusia dalam era ini.

Dalam menghadapi cabaran ini, maka empat sikap utama telah muncul di tengah umat Islam yang telah ketinggalan ke belakang:

Pertama: Di kalangan mereka ada yang menerima apa sahaja dari Barat dan menolak agama serta tidak menghiraukan langsung nas-nas agama. Ini seperti tokoh sasterawan Mesir, Taha Hussain. Beliau menyeru agar Mesir mencontohi dan meninggalkan keislamannya untuk maju kehadapan.

Katanya dalam bukunya Mustaqbal al-Thaqafat fi Misr (Masa Depan Ilmu Dan Kebudayaaan Di Mesir): "Kita mesti mengikut jejak langkah orang-orang Eropah dan cara mereka. Kita mesti menjadi sekutu mereka dan rakan kongsi dalam ketamadunan, sama ada yang baik atau yang buruk, sama ada yang manis atau yang pahit, sama ada yang disukai atau yang dicercai."

Bahkan lebih dari itu beliau menyebut: "Ini semua menunjukkan kita pada zaman moden ini ingin berhubung dengan Barat dengan satu perhubungan yang bertambah kuat dari hari ke hari. Sehingga kita menjadi sebahagian daripada mereka secara lafaz dan makna, hakikat dan rupa."

Katanya juga: "Hendaklah kita menjadikan Barat merasai bahawa kita melihat setiap perkara sama seperti yang Barat mahu, kita menilai setiap perkara sama seperti yang Barat nilai dan kita menghukum setiap perkara sama seperti Barat menghukumnya." (Dinukil dari Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nadwi, Al-Sira' Bain al-Fikrah al-Islamiyyah wa al-Fikrah al-Gharbiyyah fi al-Aqtar al-Islamiyyah, m.s. 111, India: al-Majma' al-Islami al-'Alami)

Golongan yang kedua: Mereka tidak menyatakan mereka menolak agama tetapi apa yang mereka lakukan adalah cuba mentafsirkan nas-nas Islam agar sesuai dengan kehidupan moden di Barat. Apa sahaja nas al-Quran atau al-sunah yang menyanggahi Barat akan cuba ditakwil sedaya upaya agar dapat disesuaikan dengan cara hidup di Barat.

Bagi mereka seolah-olah kehidupan Barat adalah asas dan nas-nas mesti disesuaikan dengannya. Sedangkan dalam prinsip Islam nas-nas al-Quran adalah asas dan kehidupan mesti disesuaikan dengannya bukan sebaliknya. Ini seperti yang disebut oleh al-Qaradawi: "Mereka menuntut agar Islam berubah tetapi mereka tidak meminta agar perubahan diislamkan." (Al-Qaradawi, al-Marji'iyyat al-'Ulya fi al-Islam: li Al-Quran wa al-Sunnah, Beirut: Muassasat al-Risalah).

Umpamanya mereka menyerang kesopanan pakaian wanita Islam. Ini kerana ia bercanggah gaya hidup wanita Barat. Namun percayalah sekiranya wanita Barat memakai purdah, pasti mereka sungguh- sungguh mencari dalil menyokong amalan itu. Kalau wanita Barat bertudung nescaya bersungguh-sungguh mereka kumpulkan dalil wajib bertudung kepala.

Oleh kerana mereka melihat wanita dunia Barat mendedahkan diri tidak seperti wanita Islam maka segala nas agama cuba ditafsirkan agar bersesuai dengan keadaan tersebut. Ini seperti kelompok liberalis yang subur di sesetengah negara Arab dan Indonesia. Mereka ini tidak menyatakan yang mereka ingin tinggalkan agama, tetapi mereka tafsirkan agama agar seiras dengan pandangan-pandangan umum yang diterima oleh masyarakat Barat. Sedangkan, disiplin asas dalam pengkajian nas (teks) hendaklah nas-nas yang menentukan sesuatu keputusan bukan keputusan yang menentukan tafsiran nas.

Kata Dr. Salah al-Khalidi: "Sesungguhnya sebahagian manusia telah tersalah dalam hubungan mereka dengan al-Quran. Mereka memasuki alam al-Quran yang luas dengan cara yang tidak betul. Di kalangan mereka ada yang membawa bersamanya (dalam memasuki alam al-Quran) himpunan ilmu pengetahuan, kebudayaan, akhlak, adat istiadat dan sikap yang bertentangan dengan arahan al-Quran, maka cahaya al- Quran terhalang darinya.

"Ada pula yang memasuki alam al-Quran dengan suatu pemikiran sebelumnya yang mengganggu fikirannya ketika dia melihat al-Quran maka terhalanglah pandangannya, lantas dia terjatuh dalam kekaburan dan kekeliruan.

"Ada pula yang mengambil al-Quran dengan niat serta latar belakang tertentu, juga tujuan yang hendak diperolehnya maka dia menyelewengkan jalannya, memutarbelitkan, memaksa-maksa dalil dan nas dan memayah-mayahkan ulasan untuk dijadikan alasan bagi dirinya." (Salah Abd. al-Fattah al-Khalidi, Mafatih li al-Ta'amul ma'a al-Quran, m.s 90, Jordan: Dar al-Manar).

Dengan melalui kaedah yang salah ini, segala dalil akan ditafsirkan agar serasi dengan kehendak yang diputuskan. Mereka bukan ingin mengikut al-Quran, sebaliknya mereka mengambil tindakan terlebih dahulu dan kemudian mencari dalil dari al-Quran dan al-sunah lalu ditafsir agar selaras dengan tindakan yang telah mereka ambil.

Maka, al-Quran dan al-sunah tidak lagi mempunyai fungsi membimbing, sebaliknya hanya sebagai 'cop' untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan mereka. Sementara kayu pengukur sebenar tindakan mereka, adalah pegangan umum di Barat yang mereka lihat diterima di Barat.

Golongan ketiga: Adalah golongan yang menolak apa sahaja daripada Barat. Bagi mereka semua yang berasal dari Barat adalah kufur atau sesat, atau sekurang-kurangnya bercanggah dengan Islam. Mereka tidak membezakan antara sikap, kebudayaan, nilai-nilai yang tidak menyanggahi Islam, dengan perkara-perkara yang menyanggahinya. Sehingga pernah golongan yang seperti ini menentang pakaian 'neck-tie', makan bersudu-garpu, bercakap 'orang putih' dan seumpamanya.

Alasannya semua itu berasal dari Barat. Bahkan di sesetengah pusat pengajian agama sehingga ke hari ini ada yang menganggap mata pelajaran Sains, Matematik, Geografi, dan seumpamanya sebagai pelajaran sekular dan keduniaan. Lalu mereka tidak mementingkannya, bahkan ada yang memandang jelik terhadapnya.

Sikap terlalu memusuhi Barat telah menyebabkan mereka lupa bahawa mata pelajaran tersebut berkhidmat untuk umat Islam, bahkan kebanyakan asasnya diletakkan oleh umat Islam pada zaman kegemilangan tamadun mereka. Islam adalah agama dunia dan akhirat.

Bahkan sikap mereka mengasingkan perkara-perkara tersebut dari agama itulah yang berbau sekular. Mereka juga lupa bahawa dada Islam itu luas untuk mengambil manfaat dari mana-mana sudut yang membawa kebaikan kepada manusia. Dengan syarat ia tidak boleh bertentangan dengan al-Quran dan al-sunah.

Golongan keempat: Menapis apa yang ada di Barat dengan tapisan Islam. Kemajuan diakui. Bahkan kemajuan yang dinikmati di Barat adalah cedokan dari kemajuan yang pernah wujud di dunia Islam dahulu. Islam tidak pernah menyatakan ia memusuhi Barat atau Timur, Utara atau Selatan. Bukan semua yang ada di Barat mesti ditolak. Seperti bukan semua yang ada di Timur diterima. Entah berapa banyak sikap atau budaya Barat itu mendekati kehendak Islam seperti tekun, menepati waktu, kebersihan dan seumpamanya.

Demikian entah berapa banyak budaya setempat; seperti suka mengumpat, dengki-mendengki, malas berusaha dan sebagainya amat menyanggahi Islam. Timbangannya ialah tafsiran yang betul terhadap nas-nas al-Quran dan al-sunah.

Islam adalah agama yang hidup dan sesuai untuk segala masa dan zaman. Kemajuan yang dicapai oleh Barat patut diberi penghormatan juga penapisan secara adil. Hendaklah dibezakan bahawa dalam ajaran Islam ada perkara yang tetap tidak boleh diubah. Di samping ada juga perkara-perkara tertentu yang terdedah kepada perubahan tempat dan zaman. Hal ini telah saya sentuh dalam tulisan-tulisan yang lepas.

Kefahaman yang seperti inilah pendirian golongan umat Islam yang lurus dengan agamanya. Pandangan dan pegangan di Barat tidak boleh ditolak mentah-mentah, seperti ia juga tidak boleh ditelan bulat-bulat.

Dengan penuh kesedaran kita selalu menyebut masih ada perkara-perkara yang berhajat kepada semakan yang membabitkan kefahaman dan amalan umat Islam. Pintu ijtihad itu terus terbuka sehingga hari kiamat. Tiada siapa pun berhak menutupnya.

Namun hendaklah dibekalkan dalam jiwa pengkaji agama ini perasaan takutkan Allah dalam menghuraikan hukum syarak. Ijtihad itu berteraskan ilmu, bukan kejahilan dan nafsu. Banyak juga perkara baru yang ditimbulkan oleh kemajuan Barat perlu dinilai dengan perasaan yang adil dan saksama. Bahkan banyak nilai di Barat yang lebih mendekati Islam dibandingkan apa yang berlaku atau diamalkan di dunia Islam.

Prasangka dan kejumudan terhadap semua unsur Barat hanya memundurkan umat ini dan menjadikan kita beku dari mengambil manfaat daripada orang lain. Namun, sikap terlalu liberal tanpa prinsip hanya akan memusnah ajaran Islam yang hakiki.